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Dedicated to Excellence in Funeral Service

Since 1919, the MSFDA has been supporting its members and promoting unparalleled funeral service to the public.

MSFDA logo

Dedicated to Excellence in Funeral Service

Since 1919, the MSFDA has been supporting its members and promoting unparalleled funeral service to the public.

MSFDA Dottie Hector Educational Fundraiser

We are very excited to celebrate MSFDA’s 106th year as an association, providing many decades of continuing education programs for funeral directors across Maryland.

Your ticket purchase for the Dottie Hector Educational Fundraiser helps MSFDA secure quality and informative speakers throughout the year. It also enables you to enter our annual drawing to win up to $1,000! The educational fundraiser drawing will take place at MSFDA’s December Holiday Party.

Maryland Implicit Bias Training

IMPLICIT BIAS TRAINING COURSES New License Renewal Requirements for Morticians, Courtesy Cards, Registered Crematory Operators, Funeral Directors, and Surviving Spouses  As the result of Senate Bill 5 and House Bill 28, passed by the Maryland General Assembly in 2021,...

Maryland State Funeral Directors Association Recommends Federated Insurance

News Release For Immediate Release: January 16, 2023 Contact: Lisa Hagenson, Executive Assistant E-mail: Phone: 507.455.5118 MARYLAND STATE FUNERAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION RECOMMENDS FEDERATED INSURANCE The Maryland State Funeral Directors...


Federated Insurance